Shaklee News


Shaklee Latino Grupo Official Facebook® Community

Get mutual support and inspiration as well as the latest business information – all in Spanish – in the Shaklee Latino Grupo Official Facebook Community.

This private community will be a place to connect with your fellow Spanish-speaking Ambassadors to exchange ideas, share tips, and motivate one another as you build your Shaklee Businesses.

The Shaklee Home Office team will also participate in the group by sharing information on promotions, incentives, training, and tools available in Spanish.

Join the Group!

  1. Use the link below to request admission.
  2. Respond to request to provide Shaklee ID and agree to abide by group rules.
  3. And that’s it!

This group replaces the page. We will retire the Shaklee Latino Facebook page as of June 30th.

Group Rules

  1. Support One Another – In this community, Ambassadors offer support, tips and ideas for building a Shaklee business. Posts/comments should keep in mind the newest Ambassador and the importance of building confidence.
  2. No Unapproved Claims – Avoid unapproved claims – any claim that is not in our labeling or literature or any income claim which goes beyond the modest, supplemental income earned by the average Ambassador.
  3. Third Party Links – Don’t post third party links, especially anything that could be considered an implied claim that has not been reviewed and approved by Shaklee Legal, Shaklee R&D and Medical Affairs.
  4. Get Approved Answers – If you have a product use, formulation or ingredient question – contact Shaklee Product Support at
  5. Health Condition Questions – Don’t post questions or request testimonials about the use of Shaklee products in conjunction with a health condition. Instead, please email
  6. Keep Inspiring Us! – No matter what level you are in this business, you are a Leader, and your participation in this group impacts others. Inspire us, keep it positive, offer solutions, and share your experience!