Shaklee News


“Never give up. Always show up. Be willing to go the extra mile”

Meet Master Coordinator Julie Veenstra

“Diamonds are created under pressure,” says Julie Veenstra of Port Colborne, Ontario, who became a Master in July 2020. “When the going gets tough, leaders are developed. Our character is shown by how we respond to our environment. I’ve seen people on my team dig deeper, get more creative, and show their tenacity. It wasn’t easy, and that’s what made this appointment more special. We worked for it and knowing that gives great satisfaction.”

Julie – a proud mother of five and grandmother of one – was introduced to Shaklee products in her twenties. She was so pleased with how she felt after using them that she was compelled to share them with others. She was initially hesitant about the business model, so she focused on helping others create healthier lives. It wasn’t until she was able to step out of an unpleasant situation that she fully embraced everything about Shaklee. In 2002, she became newly single with a young son to support on her own. By sharing Shaklee, it became the best Plan B that she never knew she needed.

“Being able to add some extra money to our savings for buying a house as a single mom is one of the achievements that stands out most in my mind,” she recalls. “That feeling of accomplishment when I picked up the keys was really amazing and Shaklee helped so much.”*

“For eight years, I was so thankful for my Shaklee income.”  Then she remarried and her family grew! “For several years, I was busy growing a family,” adds Julie. “At every Shaklee conference, it felt like I was showing up with a new baby! Now my children are watching me. My seven-year-old daughter is already talking about taking over my business one day! I’m inspired by my kids to reach for more so they can see that more is possible.”

“Diamonds are created under pressure,” says Julie. “When the going gets tough, leaders are developed. Our character is shown by how we respond to our environment. I’ve seen people on my team dig deeper, get more creative, and show their tenacity. It wasn’t easy, and that’s what made this appointment more special. We worked for it and knowing that gives great satisfaction.” 

As Julie’s family grew, so did her business and the rewards for all the hard work she put into building it. “There are many wonderful memories from Dream Trips and Top Achiever International Trips,”* she says. “I’m extremely thankful for the last Mexico trip because my mom also qualified for it, and we didn’t know it would be our last trip together. One other memory I’ll never forget is the feeling of standing on the Great Wall of China. My luggage hadn’t shown up yet, but at least I was there! That Wall reminded me that we put things together brick by brick, one step at a time. But if we keep going, we can leave an amazing legacy.”

She’s eager to celebrate her appointment to Master Coordinator with Andrew and their children in a special way, even though that may not happen anytime soon. “We plan to buy a travel van/RV and truly utilize our portable life,” explains Julie, who’s been homeschooling her three youngest children. “For now,” she continues, “I’m still focusing on solidifying and growing team members so they’ll be well on their way to hitting their goals. I want to empower others to believe in themselves. This whole journey has been so life changing for me – first for health, then for additional income. But it’s also become about adventures, and community, and freedom. It’s helped me grow as a person and step with confidence into this next level of leadership. More than ever, I want to support other leaders who want more from life but haven’t yet been empowered to believe they can get it. Help enough people get what they need, and you’ll get what you need.”

Julie has the following advice for those who want to achieve the same kind of tremendous success she has: “Never give up. Always show up. Be willing to go the extra mile. Make one more phone call. I’m always amazed at how much we can accomplish when the results become nonnegotiable. When I wanted to earn the trip to China, I told my mom it looked impossible. She said, ‘Well, what do you have to do? It’s always impossible if you don’t try.’ That has stuck with me. But the best part of this is that while the results are wonderful, the actions needed to get those results are a reward in and of themselves.”

“When Shaklee offers a challenge, I go for it because it means I am on track for growth. It doesn’t matter what the prize is because the activities are going to get me to my long-term goals. To have a growth mindset, it’s important to stretch yourself and run to discomfort. You don’t become great when you get the stuff; you are great when you decide to do what it takes.”

Julie has a simple model to help her team stay in consistent action. WHY. LEAF. TRACK.

Always start with your WHY. If you have a big enough reason for doing what you are doing, then obstacles will be seen as opportunities to grow.

L = List. Make your list! Never prejudge. Never assume. Keep adding names to your list, because you never know whose life you are meant to change.

E = Engage. Start conversations. Remember that every question you ask opens the “yes” gate a little further! Share your story and ask them if what you are doing could help them get what they want…find out if they would be open to taking a look or trying a sample.

A = Ask. Invite. Share your story and ask them if what you are doing could help them get what they want… find out if they would be open to taking a look or trying a sample.

F = Follow up. It can take seven touches, or different exposures, for someone to be willing to say “yes.”

TRACK = When you start taking responsibility for your own actions and tracking yourself, you see where you need to grow and what you need to do. If you truly want growth, you will want to analyze your actions and results, just like an elite athlete!

A few more tips:

  • Talk to yourself. Your mindset is super important; practice positive self-talk; get in the right headspace. You can’t grow your business without growing your mind.  READ daily!
  • Be in consistent action, whatever that means for you. It could mean one hour daily. Maybe it’s fifteen minutes three times a week. Just keep it consistent! When you are in consistent action, you will always have available activity. You won’t be scrambling at the end of the month to hit goals. Taking consistent action every day brings available activity because there are always people to follow up with.

“This is just a powerful business model built around a wonderful community that is about all aspects of wellness. It’s a place you can plant your feet and GROW! I am so thankful for that first introduction to Shaklee!”

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement for full average earnings data here. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet here.