My Shaklee Story | Get to Know Barb & Daniella
Barb: So you were in the process of building your nutrition consulting business. What led you to Shaklee?
Daniella: It’s a funny story, actually. I was doing a video for [a grocery store chain] and I was talking about my favorite healthy products. And so…she reached out to me [in] a private message and she said, “What do you work with [them]?” I said, “No, I do this for fun. I enjoy it.” And she’s like, “Have you heard of Shaklee?” I said, “No, never. What’s that?” She sent me the link, and then I looked it up and like—wow, like how have I never even heard of this company before?
Barb: You did your research.
Daniella: Yea, of course. I did my research; their mission statement, their vision was…very powerful. I felt very much in line with their mission, their value, their integrity. And I was like, this is a company I can stand behind. I loved the formulations; I think that was what caught my attention—all the different complexes. Because…they understood the synergy of vitamins. Like when you combine this vitamin with this vitamin there’s a…compounding effect. And…that really spoke to me. And when I knew that [Shaklee had] clinical studies and peer reviews, they have so many patents and like, wow they have a whole science team. Coming from both of us [that have] a science background, I think that’s something…we appreciate and value.
Barb: If you look at it from a business perspective, that’s why you get the repeat business because people trust it.
Daniella: They want something that’s safe, that we can stand behind, that we can give to our friends and family. We want something that’s pure.
Barb: When you have clients—and this is true for any health professionals—you want to know, if you’re recommending products for them, that they’re going to get the best products and they’re going to get the best results with them. And so I’ve always just been amazed at…the research. When I moved to Chicago and had my first apartment, had my first job, I really was dedicated to being environmentally conscious. We’re talking 45 years ago; it wasn’t easy. And then I came across this company that had been making biodegradable cleaning products since 1960 for heaven’s sake! And I…was so impressed with that…and they worked! And they were inexpensive, I mean, all the news was good. So…when I was expecting our second child, it was only then that I started using the vitamins because I knew the doctor would give me some kind of prenatal [vitamin] and I had such a good feeling about this company already. And that’s when, as with most people, we have our product experience, right?
Daniella: That’s so interesting that your first product experience happened to be part of the nontoxic home line, and for me it was…more product based on the nutritional line, but we all come back probably to the nutrition, right?
Barb: And everybody kept having [this] remarkable feedback. And before I knew it I [had] kind of fallen into a business because everybody wanted the products. So I didn’t have a business head, I didn’t…think in terms of those terms, but I think that is a challenge sometimes for those who have nutrition backgrounds. Because we love helping people get healthier. We love helping families have healthier kids. We love all of that. And so for many years, that’s what my business looked like.
Barb: If I had to list the qualities of an ideal business for me 45 years ago when we didn’t have Zoom, we didn’t have computers—you understand, right? It was to be able to be home with my kids and at the same time have a career and be able to contribute to the family income. It has taken 45 years for the business world to catch up to that model that Shaklee had established all those many years ago—60 years ago.
Barb: So, being a mom today, Danielle, is different from when I started. How are you balancing work and kids and home?
Daniella: I hope I’m doing a good job! It’s not always so easy, but that’s the beauty of this business…it allows you to be flexible. It allows you to flex when you need some time off to be more present with your kids. And because my business is digital, I’m able to put the phone aside when my kids come home. I have working hours and I’m able to answer my messages when I’m available.
Barb: You know, that’s a really good point…for folks starting today with the business. The digital world that we live in and the digital technology Shaklee has made available for us has been a huge help in terms of our time and our flexibility. It’s the Shaklee mission, making healthy happen and creating a healthier world. It’s a noble profession to be a part of that.