Shaklee News


“I choose to be a Distributor because I am choosing products I trust.”

Congratulations to Senior Director Samantha Kalasek!

Samantha’s mantra is consistency and patience and it’s served her well through the years. She and her husband were parents to 4- and 2-year-old sons when they welcomed third son, Paxton. But Paxton arrived early, via C-section, in what Samantha recalls as a “traumatic event.” Eventually he was diagnosed with a rare, non-hereditary genetic disorder.  “We didn’t see it coming and it was going to change our entire lives—how we lived, what we did, everything. He was the first child in the hospital diagnosed with the condition, so we had to become experts because it was new even to the doctors.”

“It felt like my world was crumbling. I didn’t have time to ride the postnatal emotional roller coaster I had with my first two sons. I didn’t have that luxury. Paxton needed me, so I had to keep going. I had to be his advocate at the hospital, plus two little boys at home needed their mom.” As life was unraveling, a friend reached out with prayers and support, and when Samantha mentioned needing a change, the friend recommended Shaklee products. Samantha says, “After a few weeks, I felt better and more energized. I was compelled to learn more, so I dove into the science behind Shaklee. And it was aligning with everything I was trying to find for my family. We were taking a hard look at what we were putting in our home, in our bodies, and around us. I needed a brand I could trust, and I found that with Shaklee. Even though I was dealing with a lot of things outside of my control, Shaklee helped me feel very empowered as a mom.

At a time when she was juggling a part-time job in insurance, care for her boys, and the management of Paxton’s therapy, Samantha saw the importance of the products and quickly “Shaklee-ized” her home. It wasn’t until a year later that she realized that through personal consumption, and sharing with friends and family, she was starting to lay the foundation for her Shaklee Business.

“There were times I felt like I was speaking to a silent audience but…I kept going. I stayed steady with posting on social and adapted to new things like Instagram® Reels. I kept reaching out, showing up, and being vulnerable. I focused on getting my team confident with their own process and finding their own flow. You just have to keep going because you never know who’s listening.”

“And now the seeds are just starting to sprout. There were times I felt like I was speaking to a silent audience but, again, I kept going. I stayed steady with posting on social and adapted to new things like Instagram Reels. I kept reaching out, showing up, and being vulnerable. I focused on getting my team confident with their own process and finding their own flow. You just have to keep going because you never know who’s listening.” As a result of her efforts, Samantha has steadily increased her volume since November 2020 and in February 2021 had her best month ever. She became Shaklee’s first Quarterly Incentive achiever, which earned her an Apple® Watch SE, and has earned a total of seven $75 Star Club bonuses since the bonus launched in September 2020.*

“When I was introduced to Shaklee, I found products that helped me create a healthy and safe environment inside my home. Since then, I’ve discovered a community where I get to serve people as Sam, not as Mom. I’m surrounded by people who lift me up and believe in me. It’s changed my heart and how I show up for my family. I’m part of the Shaklee Family, but Shaklee is part of the Kalasek family. I don’t use Shaklee products because I’m a Distributor; I choose to be a Distributor because I am choosing products I trust.”

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement for full average earnings data here. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet here.