Ready Set SHARE
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More About Ready Set Wellness
Get the simple, focused system and tools for sharing our new Ready Set Wellness Bundle – Ready Set SHARE. SHARE is an acronym that spells out the steps to follow each day to help people get started with Ready Set Wellness:
Start new conversations
Help them get information
Ask them to get started
Remind them of their “Why”
Earn extra Income*
Use the tabs below to see the system and sharing tools in more detail.
The first step in the SHARE system is to Start New Conversations.
Every day, Ambassadors should be starting new conversations with people with the goal of building connections. As you build these connections, you’ll find opportunities to share information about Ready Set Wellness.
Now that your prospect has expressed interest in the bundle, you can move to the next step in the SHARE system, which is Help Them Get information.
You do this by emailing, texting, or direct messaging them links to the Ready Set Wellness video and booklet.
Here is a suggested script that you can use when you share the resources:
“Here are two links for the information on those products. The first link is a quick two-minute video and the second is a PDF with a ton of awesome information. This really helped me understand more about everything and I know it’ll help you as well. I’ll reach out to you again later to see what you think. Thanks!”
The next step in the SHARE system is to Ask Them to Get Started.
Don’t shy away from this step! Lean into your desire to help them. Remember, the Ready Set Wellness tools you’ve shared with them have done all the work explaining the bundle for you.
Now the R in the SHARE system is to Remind them of their “why.”
At this point in the system, the person might have a few questions or concerns. This step is to remind you to stay focused on how the person will benefit from the Ready Set Wellness Bundle. Don’t try to convince them with facts and figures. The booklet has already shared all of those, so you don’t have to! Your part is to use their questions or concerns as an opportunity to build trust. Stay focused on your desire to help them and how they’ll benefit personally by getting started.
The E in the SHARE system stands for Earn Supplemental Income. As you connect other people to the Ready Set Wellness Bundle, you earn supplemental income.
- Earn a $75 Star Club Bonus each time you have $500 in product sales from new people in a calendar month with at least (3) new enrolments.
- Do it again in the same calendar month, and you’ll earn another $75.
- For example, if you have $1,000 in product sales from new people in a month with at least (6) new enrolments, you will earn a total of $150 in Star Club Bonuses. We’ll reward you every time!
And there is still no limit to the number of Star Club Bonuses you can earn!
Click here to see Star Club Bonus Rules.

*To see average earnings by rank, visit
This simplified onboarding training is designed to help a new Ambassador get started off on the right foot and begin to learn and follow the Ready Set SHARE system.
Getting Started Right / Onboarding Training for New Ambassadors
The Getting Started Right training is a PDF booklet our new Ambassadors will receive in their welcome email and is available in the Learn section of the Share app.
The Getting Started Right training should only take about 15 minutes for a new Ambassador to complete. It focuses exclusively on the things a new Ambassador should do to start sharing Shaklee and the Ready Set Wellness Bundle with the people they already know in an easy, natural way – using the same sharing tools and SHARE system.
As part of the training, we’re asking you to set up a 15-minute Getting Started Right call with your new people. The purpose of the call is to help your new people to identify an initial “Why” for their business, set goals, and answer any questions they have from the Getting Started Right training they just completed.
The training also includes scripts designed to be used as example language that a new Ambassador can use to put things into their own words as they start to share.
The goal of the training is for them to see success and begin earning extra income.