Debbie and Tony U.

Master Coordinators

Debbie and Tony U.

Master Coordinators


Debbie Underwood was a physical therapist and Tony was in corporate management after the couple emigrated from the UK in 1983.  First introduced to network marketing in the 90’s, they built a business, while raising three young children, and developing it over time, into a primary source of income.  They searched for the right company, and found Shaklee in October 2011.  Since then, they’ve earned several Shaklee Incentive Trips and qualified as Master Coordinators in 2013.

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to:] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to:].