Louis, Irene and Bertrand D.

Master Coordinators (Quebec)

Louis, Irene and Bertrand D.

Master Coordinators (Quebec)


“We were introduced to Shaklee decades ago, and for the first time in our lives, we were shown a business system that was harmonious with our own values. Shaklee gave us the opportunity to realize all our dreams while helping others, and showed us that our success would be directly proportional to the service and the support offered to others.

“It was essential to us to establish a goal, and that goal was to become the first Master Coordinators in Canada. The Shaklee Canada business model makes possible the impossible because it leads people toward their destinies and emphasizes personal growth.

“It allows us to be more productive and bring a greater contribution to ourselves and the world. We are able to choose with whom we want to work and how we want to work. In Shaklee, you establish your own schedule. You choose because it’s your business, and you establish your own criteria for success. Nobody appraises your performance. There’s no supervisor or boss to tell you what to do. Your thoughts and feelings are directly reflected in your results. You’re rewarded in proportion with your values and your efforts. It’s all up to you. It’s a privilege for us to work with Shaklee, and we thank the company for allowing us to do what we love.”

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to: https://events.shaklee.com/averageincomes/] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to: https://events.shaklee.com/current-promos/#incentives-faqs].