Shaklee News


Prove It Challenge™ Success: Laura P.

Congratulations to athlete and nutrition coach Laura P., who’s had 12 people accept the Prove It Challenge™ in one week and 19 overall since the Challenge’s official launch at the 2019 Global Conference!

“I’m a running and nutrition coach offering personalized plans for my clients. I joined Shaklee to be able to share pure, safe, and effective products with clients who are looking to improve their health and performance.

“As an athlete, I used the products in the Prove It Challenge myself and discovered that it improved both my energy levels and my body composition. Before the launch of the Prove It Challenge, I was getting people started with Shaklee nutrition by hosting 7-Day Healthy Cleanse challenges a few times a year. Since the launch, I’ve begun inviting clients to accept the Prove It Challenge and have experienced a huge response!

“My best marketing tool has been to post a quick live video on social media from the 2019 Global Conference in Las Vegas that mentioned the 30-day Prove It Challenge. I was planning for a September group and asked people to comment if they were interested in learning more. From there, I reached out to the interested people by setting up brief one-on-one phone calls to discuss the program in more detail. People responded better to the personal touch of a phone call over trying to connect via text or Facebook® message. Because of this simple marketing approach, I was able to convert 12 of the 13 interested people into taking the Prove It Challenge in one week and have sold 19 kits so far!

“Incorporating my Shaklee business with my coaching business has allowed me to spend less time at work, increase my income, and positively impact my clients’ health.”

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