Introducing the 5-Day Reset


Introducing the 5-Day Reset

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join your Chairman & CEO Roger Barnett and members of the North American Sales, Marketing and Science Teams for a special call at a special time on Monday, to learn about the latest product innovation from Shaklee - the 5-Day Reset, launching on December 16! Please note this call takes the place of the...

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Compensation Plan Office Hours

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join the Shaklee Home Office Team and get your questions about the Shaklee Compensation Plan answered! Check your Shaklee email for Zoom details. 8 am PT | 9 am MT | 10 am CT | 11 am

Support Hours for November Close

Our Extended Hours for Saturday, November 30th are: Order Entry US: 1-800-SHAKLEE (1-800-742-5533) Canada: 1-800-263-6674 Hours: 7 am PT – Midnight PT Field Support: Available for escalations. We look forward to helping you close your month strong!

Shaklee Canada Monthly Kick Off

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Canada's Monthly Kick Off | December Monday, December 2 8:00 p.m. ET | 7:00 p.m. CT | 6:00 p.m. MT | 5:00 p.m. PT Check your Shaklee email for Zoom details. Appel Coup d’envoi canadien mensuel | décembre (en anglais) Lundi 2 décembre 20 h HE |19 h HC |18 h HR |17 h HP...

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