Sandy and John P.

Senior Master Coordinators

Sandy and John P.

Senior Master Coordinators


Shaklee came into our lives the same year John and I met.  It was a very good year. Learning about Shaklee nutrition products had been life-changing for my mother and introduced us to the relationship between our diet and our health. Our first home was stocked with Shaklee products and as our children came along, all six of them grew up in a Shaklee home. The home income opportunity of Shaklee was the right fit for us and our large family.

Twelve years ago we were fortunate to merge our business with that of a lifetime family friend and two years later we became Master Coordinators. The Dream Plan and car program have brought renewed excitement and new growth in our group. The success and hard work of our team and several new Dream Plan Directors have helped us reach Senior Master.

The joy of sharing the benefits of Shaklee products and the business opportunity with someone new never gets old. We have made follow up by phone and mail a priority, and have scheduled regular product, opportunity and open house meetings. We encourage our business builders to identify and share their Shaklee story.  We have focused on identifying those who want to grow take responsibility for their “belief.” Belief is a priority!

We’re grateful for the financial benefits of our business that have allowed John the opportunity to donate his time as the president of Children to Love (CTL), a non-profit Christian organization that provides financial support, leadership and training to a wonderful staff of Romanians who work daily with children living in orphanages in Bucharest, and also with many disabled children there. CTL also supports an orphanage, school and staff in India.

Dr. Shaklee, Roger and the amazing Home Office team continue to be an inspiration and encouragement for us.  As we share the gift of health and hope both here and abroad, we’re reminded of the words of Dr. Shaklee, “Sow the seeds of happiness in others, and you will reap a joyful harvest.”

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to:] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to:].