Ruth N.

Lifetime Master Coordinator

Ruth N.

Lifetime Master Coordinator


I was invited by a friend to attend an information meeting. I loved both the products and the concept of the business. I decided to use the products first and got great results. Then I decided to share with friends. That was 45 years ago!

The first and most important Shaklee Effect for me has been the impact of Shaklee products on my health. Because the products worked, I was able to enjoy more “effects” from building my business.

I am guided by two important tenets from Dr. Forrest Shaklee’s Thoughtsmanship® – “Sow the seeds of happiness in others, and you will reap a joyful harvest,” and “What you think, you look; what you think, you do; what you think, you are.” These were the pillars upon which I built a business that led to so much, including financial independence; work-family balance; a fabulous lifestyle including world travel; influence on others’ health and financial wellness; peace of mind about my future; and finally, a legacy for my family. I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without Shaklee!

If I could share one piece of advice with someone who wants to achieve what I have been able to with Shaklee, it is this: don’t let anyone — including friends or family — discourage you from exploring the Shaklee possibilities!

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to:] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to:].