Richard and Nancy B.

Master Coordinators

Richard and Nancy B.

Master Coordinators


When Nancy and Richard Brown started in Shaklee, Nancy worked in a real estate office every day, praying for something more – more time with her girls who were in middle school and high school, more time as a family, more income and to be able to be more – learn new things, be a leader and do something that had a purpose.

Shaklee opened the doors to dreams she didn’t know existed. Nancy says, “It has been a privilege for me to share Shaklee with family, friends and many new people along the way.  The joy comes when the people who try our products come back and say how well they feel, how a health concern has improved.  Those who go on to build a business know that I am their biggest cheerleader and that helping them achieve their success is my greatest achievement.”

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to:] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to:].