Joanne N. and Terry C.

Master Coordinators

Joanne N. and Terry C.

Master Coordinators


My journey in Shaklee began in 1973, while I was studying to be a special education teacher. I found myself increasingly interested in health and in particular healthy eating and nutrition. I was a health nut! While taking a yoga class, my instructor introduced me to Shaklee products. I started taking the products noticed an incredible improvement in my health. I became more energetic. I felt stronger. I was happier.

Later, I became a yoga instructor and I started sharing my passion for Shaklee products with my students. It wasn’t long before I decided to share the products on a small-scale basis, just to make an extra $50 a week. Little did I know that this decision would profoundly change the direction of my life.

I never would have guessed that my experience of The Shaklee Difference™ in my own life would launch a career that has led to me becoming a Shaklee Master Coordinator. Almost four decades later I am still just as passionate about helping others through Shaklee products and the opportunities they offer for home-based businesses. I’m the kind of person that needs to know that what I do is going to make life better for other people – the Golden Rule. That’s easy with this company and these products.

At first, Terry was just one of my customers — a successful corporate business executive who wanted to get healthier. As we grew more acquainted, I saw an opportunity to get some helpful advice from this experienced businessman. Terry had a 25-year history in sales, marketing and public relations. So I asked him if he’d critique my business and give me advice on how I might improve it. I led him through the elements of my business, and while he was learning about that, he began to understand the benefits of the Shaklee business model.

I then took Terry to a Shaklee conference, where he ran into a member of the Army Aviation Association of America – the company where he worked at the time! And all around him were other businessmen like him – bankers, executives and lawyers — who had either retired into Shaklee, or were doing it on the side for the challenge and extra benefits.

So when it was time to retire from corporate America, Terry knew what he’d be doing to occupy himself – he got on board Shaklee and things took off. Along the way, he and I fell in love with and our two Shaklee businesses were melded into one.

If I had any advice I would share with someone who wants to achieve the success we’ve had with Shaklee it is this – make up your mind that quitting is not an option. If you focus on helping as many people as you can, you’ll grow professionally and personally. Shaklee is the best self-improvement program I know!

*These earnings, bonuses, and incentive achievements are not typical. See the Average Annual Earnings statement [link to:] for full average earnings data. For information on all incentives, including the Quarterly Incentive, see the current year Incentive Booklet [link to:].